Located on Loma del Angel, or Angel Hill, the church was originally built in the second half of the 17th century and expanded with two lateral naves in the mid-18th century. After having been largely destroyed in 1844 due to a hurricane, the church was rebuilt from 1866 to 1871 in the beautiful Gothic Revival style we see today. It is easy discernible for its many pinnacles. Although the church’s main entrance is on Compostela, you can enter through the more visible door on Avenida de las Misiones (Monserrate), which interestingly is right next to the altar. Two of Cuba’s most outstanding sons, Félix Varela and José Martí, were baptized here. This alone gives the church an enormous historical value. Also, it was the setting for the climax scene of Cecilia Valdés, the most important romantic novel of Latin American 19th-century literature, written by Cuban author Cirilo Villaverde.
Opening hours: 9am-noon & 3-6pm Tues-Sun