This captivating and incredibly detailed scale model (1:500) of the old city is a must-see while exploring Habana Vieja, of which it provides a great overall perspective. Measuring 8 meteres long by 6 …
This 1920s eclectic hotel is best known for being described by Hemingway as “a good place to write.” He stayed here during the 1930s and this is where he wrote his chronicles on fishing and the first …
This is a four-story commercial center that includes shops, fast food outlets, a bank, food market, etc, which after wide-ranging remodeling and restoration, first opened in October 1997. At the time, …
Recently restored, El Torreón or as locals call it Castillito (literally, small castle), built in 1649 with blocks from the San Lázaro Quarry (where José Martí was sentenced to forced labor), was part …
Despite appearing to be of the colonial era, the building on the plaza’s southwest side dates from the early 20th-century, when it served as the U.S. Embassy in the years immediately following indepen …
This quaint and lovely shop sells perfumes from the Cuban Suchel brand, and prepares personalized fragrances on site according to patrons’ tastes. It also doubles as a small museum, with a 19th-centur …
This modest aquarium has over 90 different species of freshwater fish and aquatic plants, displayed in small tanks. Tropical fish tanks are popular in many Cuban family homes and fish can be purchased …