One block southeast of Plaza de San Francisco, on Avenida del Puerto, stands the ochre-colored former mansion of the Conde de la Montera. Beyond its ornate doorway is a promotional center—the Museo del Ron—showing the stages of traditional rum production.
Displays cover slavery, sugar cane production and harvesting, sugar mill life (including a magnficient scale model with working electric “steam” trains), and a functional mini-distillery that demonstrates processes of fermentation, distillation, filtration, ageing, blending and bottling.
The Fundación also has a contemporary art gallery on the second floor. The tour ends with sampling of Habana Club rums in the bar. The place is often crowded with tour groups.
Admission details: CUC 5 (incl. obligatory guided tour, English-speaking available), free under-16s
Opening hours: 9am-5:30pm Mon-Thu; 9am-4pm Fri-Sat; 10am-4pm Sun