This is one of the most significant exponents of the trends in architecture in Havana of its time. According to architect Pedro Martínez Inclán, “Quintana can boast about having given Havana…two buildings (this one and the Retiro Odontológico) which talk and brilliantly stand out amidst the mute buildings that everywhere constitute the unavoidable majority.” Despite its pitiful state of repair, this beautiful building is still notable for the use of colour and terraces in the apartment block. It has parking space, shops, assembly hall, lecture hall, and 19 floors dedicated to apartments, three on each floor. The vestibule on 23rd Street boasts a mural made of tesserae and fragments of ceramics entitled Abstracción, by Wifredo Lam, while the lobby on N Street is adorned with Boomerang, a mural made of tesserae. The building was awarded First Prize at the Architecture Competition in 1954 and Gold Medal by the National School of Architects in 1959.