Armadores de Santander

Style: Boutique , 4 Stars
Best for: Romance
Activities: City-Tour
Best for: Getting a room in the heart of Old Havana.
Worst for: The ambience can be a little cold and impersonal
Calle Luz #4 esq. a San Pedro, Habana Vieja
(+53)7862 - 8000
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  • Cuba Absolutely Review

    The Hotel Armadores de Santander (which means’ Shipowners of Santander’) overlooks the port of Havana. The building’s façade, with its stone reliefs of the coat of arms of Santander surrounded by maritime motifs, is wonderfully evocative of the city’s seagoing past.

    While the overall building is quite impressive the ambience can be a little cold and impersonal especially compared to some of Old Havana’s smaller Habaguanex places. Furthermore, the location by the docks isn’t Habana’s prettiest,

    A number of the large, clean 39 rooms are split-level with an interconnecting spiral staircase. Other bonuses include a terrace bar, harbor-facing balconies and an atmospheric lobby furnished with a clutch of old-fashioned leather couches.

    Room description

    The hotel’s 30 standard rooms are simple and modestly furnished, with unassuming seating areas and fairly large bathrooms. Balconied, avenue-facing suites have excellent views of the bay area. For those seeking such views or the feel of a cool sea-breeze, the hotel’s windowless suites are best avoided.


    On Havana’s port avenue, the Armadores de Santander is at the threshold of the Old Town’s major attractions, turning its back on the city to face the Caribbean and Havana’s past. The Plaza de San Francisco and Plaza Vieja, nerve centers of this part of town, are a short stroll away. Across the street, a ferry takes you to fascinating Regla.

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    Palacio O’Farrill

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